Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Brown Paper Package

It's here ! It's here!

I know this means I've crossed some sort of Rubicon, but for the first time rather than just browsing the used book stores or library book sales and buying things that turn up, I actually hunted down a book online and ordered it from a dealer. And I admit I paid more than $12.95, my previous high.

But look at it!

Besides the fact that it's really tough to get an image of a cover with that much faux-gold leafing, do you notice anything? Like the author?

Yes, that Vincent Price.  And there are pictures.  We will definitely be dipping into them in coming posts. Definitely.


  1. How do you cook using such an elegant book, or must you, like monastics of old, copy the recipe out onto another piece of paper to take to the kitchen, leaving the book chained to its stall in the Library?

  2. Usually I just keep it under glass, but I do like the chaining idea.
